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Burlington, Ontario

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Ignorance and Arrogance
Who would have thought
Politicians united in a stance
In a confused global plot
The global plot is now thickening
As politicians jump on board
The sincerity is so sickening
I am really getting bored
Bored by political pronouncements
Sick and tired of good intentions
When they err, no renouncements
Just more and more pretensions
Voters get what they deserve
When asking for more government
Why can’t we muster up the nerve?
And use our own good judgment
Global common sense is fading
knowledge should be moot
some media is daily parading
Global Science beyond refute
What is one to really believe
Can we trust global bureaucracy?
It seems they want to deceive
As if they are a theocracy
“Save our mother earth”
“For our children’s children”
A mantra based on mirth
Global children are dying TODAY
Al Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2007
Ron Cirotto
amortizationdotcom Mortgage Calculator for iPhone
Introduction to Canadian and American Mortgages
Seminar on prepaying principal (Part A)
Seminar on prepaying principal (Part B)
Global TV Interview regarding 40 Year Mortgages

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